June 30th - July 3rd, 2003
1 : Engine emissions and plume processes
Rates of OH induced Sulfur Oxidation. Implications to the Plume Chemistry
of Jet Aircraft
Gleitsmann, G�tz(1); Somnitz, Holger(1); Zellner, Reinhard(1)
(1) Institut f�r Physikalische Chemie,
Universit�t Duisburg Essen,Campus Essen, Essen, Germany
A number of
environmental aspects of aircraft emissions such as contrail formation and
impact on cirrus formation have been suggested to depend on sulfuric acid
formation from the fuel sulfur content (FSC) as a result of the rapid
rates of oxidation of S(IV)in the engine and/or the plume. Despite this
importance the chemical kinetic date base to assess this oxidation is far
from being reliable.[..]
It is concluded from our
work, that the well-known conversion ratio of S(IV) to S(VI) of about 1-2%
as confirmed by a number of airborn experiments, can only be reproduced
assuming sufficient formation of SO3 or H2SO4
already inside the engine and/or the turbine. The plume effect on this
ratio is less important.
of Results from the NASA Experiment to Characterize Aircraft Volatile
Aerosol and Trace Species Emissions (EXCAVATE)
Anderson, Bruce E.(1); Winstead, Edward L.; Hudgins, Charles H.;Branham,
Sandy; Plant, James V.; Thornhill, Kenneth L.
(1) NASA Langeley Research Center, Hampton,
Virginia, USA
EXCAVATE was conducted
at Langley Research Center in late January, 2002, and focused upon
assaying the production of aerosols and aerosol precursors by a modern
commercial aircraft, the Langley B757, during ground-based operation. The
experiment was motivated by remaining uncertainties in the post-combustion
fate of jet fuel sulfur contaminants and the need to obtain observations
for evaluating the impact of terminal area aircraft operations upon local
air quality. Sponsored by NASA�s Atmospheric Effects of Aviation Project
(AEAP) and the Ultra Effect Engine Technology (UEET) Program, EXCAVATE
objectives included determining exhaust black carbon levels and gas ion
densities as a function of plume age and engine power; the fraction of
fuel S converted from S(IV) to S(VI) as a function of engine power and
fuel S level; the concentration and speciation of volatile aerosols and
gas-phase acids as functions of engine power, fuel S, and plume age. [..]
Both aircraft were found
to emit high concentrations of organic aerosols, particularly at low power
settings and to produce black carbon concentrations that increased with
engine power. Although observed aerosol size distributions and number
densities were highly dependent upon the sample dilution ratio, total
particle emission indices for the B757 were typically a factor of 10
higher at 25 to 35 meters than at 1 meter behind the engine. The
concentration of sulfate aerosol were directly dependent upon the fuel
sulfur level and increased considerably as sampling took place
progressively further downstream of the exhaust plane, suggesting that
sulfate particles form and undergo rapid growth within aircraft exhaust
plumes. Our observations also indicate that aerosol concentrations and
characteristics take several minutes to reach equilibrium values after
changes in engine power. This was particularly notable when the engines
were reduced from high to low power, a situation that would be found
during aircraft taxi and landing cycle.
E-31 Committee on Aircraft Exhaust Emission Measurements and an Aerospace
Information Report on the Measurement of Non-volatile Particle Emissions
Miake-Lye, Richard C.(1); Zaccardi, Vince
(1) Aerodyne Research, Inc., Billerica,
Massachusetts, USA
Agencies responsible for
regulating and certifying aviation operations have begun to examine
methods for measuring particle emissions from aircraft engines. There is
general consensus that the regulations regarding the emission of visible
smoke for aircraft engines, which have been in place for decades, do not
address and are not relevant to the measurement of particles responsible
for health effects and environmental impacts. Working Group 3 of the ICAO
Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) has asked the SAE
E-31 committee for technical assistance in developing appropriate
particulate characterization techniques for routine certification of
aircraft turbine engines. [..]
It is the intent of the
E-31 committee to make use of both committee expertise and outside
technical advice to develop a set of recommendations that will form the
basis for an Aerospace Information Report (AIR). This AIR will be subject
to evaluation and review by the regulatory agencies, industry, and the
engineering community that performs aviation emissions measurements. This
AIR is currently being written and reviewed and its general content will
be presented. Based on the experience gained and on improvements in
measurement practice, the AIR will then be used over the course of several
years to develop a set of measurement specifications described in an
Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) on particle measurements. ARPs are
the official statement of the SAE on how emissions measurements should be
performed and, as such, have historically provided methodologies
acceptable to the regulatory agencies both in the US and internationally.
and H2SO4 in Exhaust of an Aircraft Engine: Measurements and Implications
for Fuel Sulfur Conversion to S(VI) and SO3 to H2SO4
Sorokin, Andrey(1); Katragkou, Eleni(2); Arnold, Frank(2); Busen, R.(3);
Schumann, Ulrich(3)
(1) Central Institute of Aviation Motors,
Moscow, Russia. (2) Atmospheric Physics Division, MPI for Nuclear Physics,
Heidelberg, Germany. (3) Institute for Physics of Atmosphere, DLR
Oberphaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany
Gaseous sulfuric acid
(GSA) formed by aircraft engines is of considerable current interest as it
plays a potentially important role in forming and activating aerosol
particles which become water vapour condensation nuclei. The later promote
the formation of contrails and potentially even of clouds. GSA is formed
via fuel sulfur oxidation to SO3, followed by SO3 reaction with water
vapor leading to GSA. The most important questions in this process are:
(i) which fraction of S(VI) gases present in the aircraft engine exhaust
is formed already in the combustor and (ii) which fraction of S(VI) emits
as SO3 molecules? The later means an incomplete conversion of S(VI) to GSA
in an exhaust plume. [..]
Emissions from Aircraft Engines - an Overview of the European Project
Petzold, Andreas(1); Wilson, Chris W.; Arnold, Frank(2); Baltensperger,
Urs; Fiebig, Markus(1); Fritzsche, Lutz; Giebl, Heinrich; Gysel,
Martin(3); Hitzenberger, Regina(4); Hurley, Chris D.; Katragkou, Eleni(2);
Kurtenbach, Ralf(5); Madden, Paul(6); Nyeki, Stephan; Puxbaum, Hans;
Schumann, Ulrich(1); Stein, Claudia; Vrchoticky, Susi; Wahl, Claus(7);
Wiesen, Peter
(1) Institut f�r Physik der Atmosph�re, DLR
Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany; (2) MPI f�r Kernphysik, Heidelberg,
Germany; (3) Paul Scherrer Institut, Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry,
Villingen, Switzerland; (4) Institute for Experimental Physics, Wien,
Austria; (5) Bergische Universit�t Wuppertal, Physikalische Chemie,
Wuppertal, Germany, (6) Rolls-Poyce, Derby, UK; (7) Institut f�r
Verbrennungstechnik, DLR-Stuttgart, Germany.
In the framework of the
European project PartEmis (�Measurement and prediction of emissions of
aerosols and gaseous precursors from gas turbine engines�), the
influence of operation conditions and fuel sulphur content (FSC) on the
microphysical and chemical properties of particles emitted from a jet
engine simulator was investigated. [..]
The overview will
summarise the observed influences of engine operation conditions and fuel
sulphur content on microphysical and chemical properties of emitted
particles. Conclusions on expected effects of the exhaust aerosol on
atmospheric properties will be discussed.
of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) from a jet engine
combustor and a Hot End Simulator (HES) during the PARTEMIS project
Kurtenbach, Ralf(1); Kapernaum, Manfred(2); L�rzer, Jutta(1); Niedojadlo,
Anita(1); Petrea, Monika(1); Wahl, Claus(2); Wiesen, Peter(1)
(1) Bergische Universit�t Wuppertal (BUW),
Fachbereich 9 / Physikalische Chemie, Wuppertal, Germany; (2) Institute of
Combustion Technology, German Aerospace Centre (DLR-VT), Stuttgart,
During the PARTEMIS
measurement campaigns at QinetiQ, Pyestock in January 2001 and in March
2002 the emissions of more than 100 different non-methane volatile organic
compounds (NMVOCs) from a jet engine combustor and a hot end simulator
(HES) were identified and quantified. The species investigated accounted
for up to 91 wt % of the total NMVOCs emitted. In addition, CO2
measurements were also performed for determining emission indices (EI).
of Soot Precursor Formation in Laminar Premixed Flames with
C1-, C2- and
Goos, Elke(1);
Braun-Unkhoff, Marina(1); Slavinskaya, Nadezhda; Frank, Peter(1)
(1) Institut f�r Verbrennungstechnik,
DLR.-Stuttgart, Germany;
and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are of particular concern in
combustion processes because of their potentially adverse health effects.
They are formed in the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels (e.g. kerosene) and
have been identified as key precursors of soot.
investigations of flame and shock tube experiments, especially at high
pressures, show the importance of the PAH growth on soot particle
inception and on calculated soot volume fraction. [..]
Carbon Isotope Signatures of Aircraft Particles
Lee, David S.(1); Sun, Chang-Gong; Cooper, Mick(2); Snape, Colin(2);
Wilson, Christopher(3)
(1) Department of Environmental and
Geographical Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK;
(2) University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK; (3) University of Sheffield,
Sheffield, UK
The stable carbon
isotope ratio (13C/12C) of aircraft engine emissions
of particles and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons was measured using
gas-chromatography isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Samples were taken
from the combustor exit and at a simulated engine exit (the PARTEMIS
hot-end siulator). The stable C isotope ratio on the particles and PAHs
was shown to be consistently different from the parent fuel ratio, and
exhibited a ratio that was different to other common combustion sources.
The signal was shown to be fuel independent (using kerosene, petrol and
diesel) and engine condition dependent. [..]
of volatile particles during PartEmis
Vancassel, Xavier(1); Sorokin,Andrey(2); Mirabel,Philippe(1)
(1) Universit� Louis Pasteur Strasbourg,
France; (2) Central Institute of Aviation Motors, Moscow, Russia.
In the frame of the
European project PartEmis, volatile particles produced in the sampling
system of a combustor test rig has been modelled. These particles,
although formed in situations which differ from those prevailing during
flight conditions, remain of major interest as their growth is highly
connected to the amount of sulphuric acid available in the exhaust. In
this matter, attention has been paid to the sulphur conversion factor
required to fit the modelled results to the measurements of volatile
particles, in the 4 to 7 nm size range. [..]
As a conclusion, the
modelling of particle formation in the sulphuric acid-water binary system
has provided an indirect way to estimate an upper limit of sulphur
conversion, one of the key parameters needed to understand particle
formation and evolution in an aircraft plume.
Growing and Dispersion of Particles in a Turbulent Exhaust Plume
Garnier, Fran�ois(1); Ferreira-Gago, C�cile; Brasseur, Anne-Lise; Uth�za,
Fran�oise(2), Paoli, Roberto(3),
Cuenot, Benedicte
(1) ONERA - DMPH, Unit� Environnement
Atmospherique et Givrage, Chatillon, France; (2) Universit� de
Marne-la-Vall�e, LETEM, Marne-la-Vall�e, France; (3) CERFACS, Toulouse,
Emissions of water vapor, sulfur dioxide and
particles (soot, metallic particles�) by jet engine is known to induce
the formation of new particles , i.e. aerosols and contrails. These
particles may have an impact on cloudiness and may affect the Earth�s
radiative budget balance.
In order to better understand their formation, preliminary studies on the
dispersion of particles (soot and aerosols) in the exhaust jet and on
their modification by plume processing are necessary.
This work is focused on the numerical simulation of
dynamics and growth of spherical particles in the near-field of an
aircraft wake. [..]
First results have shown that the particle growth
could be significant for sufficiently small initial sizes of particles.
For the present particular set of parameters, the particle growth does not
increase significantly the inertia of initially small particles. For two
different initial particle sizes, the water vapor condensation process
gives rise to maximum final particle radii of the same order. In the case
of initially large condensation nuclei size, particles have significant
inertia and concentrate at the periphery of the large-scale structures
developing in the turbulent plume.
The study is focused on the coupled effects of
particle growth and dynamics, which are not considered in classical
particle-laden turbulent plume models. As most of previous studies
correspond to incompressible flow, the influence of the gas flow
compressibility on the particle dispersion will be also investigated.
Effect of Plume Processes on Aircraft Impact
Plumb, Ian(1);
Randeniya, Lakshman(1), Vohralik, Peter(1), Baughcum, Steven L.(2)
(1) CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial
Physics, Lindfield, Australia, (2) Boeing Company, Seattle, Washington,
In the present study, we
investigate the chemistry of expanding aircraft exhaust plumes for a range
of conditions (latitude, altitude, season, plume expansion rate, time of
day of emissions, aircraft type, composition of background air mass). The
effect of plume chemistry on 2-D model calculations of the impact of
subsonic aircraft on ozone is discussed. [..]
Modifying subsonic
aircraft emissions in the CSIRO 2-D chemical transport model using
relative emission changes from the plume model resulted in changes to the
calculated aircraft impact on ozone of less than 3%. The effect of using
emission conversion factors instead of relative emission changes in the
2-D model is also discussed.
fuels - Where are we going and why?
Wilson, Chris W.(1)
(1) Mechanical Engineering, University of
Sheffield, UK
Gas turbine fuels for
aviation are taken for granted. Their main purpose is to store energy
until it is released in the combustion chamber. However, this is only part
of the fuels use. It is also used as a coolant and lubricant. Some of the
fuel characteristics that have been associated with aircraft emissions,
such as sulphur and aromatic content, can also affect the usability of the
Sasol have been
producing a semi-synthetic aviation fuel from coal and using it in
commercial aircraft since 1999. Production processes such as Fisher
Tropsch methods and gas to liquid techniques can generate kerosene's that
are free of aromatics and virtually sulphur free, but at what cost to the
In May this year a
workshop, organised by AERONET 2, was held looking at future clean fuels
for aviation. The objective of the workshop was to review the status quo,
potential future fuel developments, both evolutionary and revolutionary,
and their possible consequences on emissions and engine technology. This
presentation will report on the findings of the workshop and give a
layman's guide to the use of fuel in today's gas turbines.
Session 2: Transport and impact
on chemical composition
in the UT/LS: A Source Attribution Study Utilising MOZAIC Measurements.
Crowther, Richard(1); Law, Kathy(2); Pyle, John(1); Nedelec, Philippe(3);
Smit, Herman(4); Volz-Thomas, Andreas(4)
(1) Centre for Atmospheric Science, University
of Cambridge, UK; (2) Service d'Aeronomie, Universit� Pierre et Marie
Curie, Paris; (3) Laboratoire d'Aerologie, Toulouse, France; (4) Institut
f�r Chemie der Belasteten Atmosphaere, FZ-Juelich, Germany
MOZAIC (Measurement of
OZone, water vapour, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides by Airbus
In-service airCraft) measurements are combined with output from the
Cambridge 3D global model (TOMCAT) in order to study NOy chemistry in the
UT/LS. This region is subject to both biogenic and anthropogenic
emissions, the impact of which are highly variable due to the strong
gradients in chemical concentration across the tropopause. The
contributions of different emission sources within TOMCAT, including
in-situ aircraft emissions, to both ozone and its production rate will be
TRADEOFF project: Goals and achievements
Isaksen, Ivar S.A.(1)
(1) Institutt for Geofysikk, Universitetet i
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
TRADEOFF is an EU funded
project in which 10 European research groups participate. The main goal of
the project is to calculate current and future impact of a rapidly
growing fleet of aircraft (composition, climate), to reduce the
uncertainties in the calculated long term impact of aircraft emissions,
and to identify options to reduce future impact of aircraft emissions.
The focus have been on processes and impact in the UTLS (upper
troposphere/lower stratosphere) region, where predicted rapid growth in
air traffic and in aircraft emissions could significantly perturb
atmospheric composition (e.g. NOx and ozone concentrations, the formation
and distribution of contrails and cirrus clouds) and contribute to forcing
of climate. [..]
The TRADEOFF project
covers a wide range of research topics: Testing and improvement of model
performance through extensive model/model and model/measurement
comparisons; studies of chemical and dynamical processes affecting
composition and changes in the in the UTLS region; updated scenarios for
aircraft emissions; estimates of the impact of NOx emissions on ozone and
methane lifetime for the current and future (2050) atmospheres; analysis
of satellite observations of contrails and cirrus clouds in corridors with
high air traffic, and estimates of their radiative forcing. Furthermore,
specific modelling studies have been performed to quantify possible
tradeoffs in air traffic to reduce the climate impact. These include,
traffic at specific times during the day, changes in cruising altitudes
and in routings. Some limited studies of the impact of a potential future
fleet of supersonic aircraft flying in the lower stratosphere were also
performed. Results from the TRADEOFF project presenting new estimates of
the impact of NOx on ozone and CH4, including sensitivity estimates, based
on updated emission inventories and improved model tools will be
presented. Likewise, results from the analysis of contrail and cirrus
cloud studies will be presented. Finally, estimates of the radiative
forcing from aircraft, based on the TRADEOFF studies, will be presented.
the quality of chemistry-transport simulations in the upper
troposphere/lower stratosphere region
Brunner, Dominik(1); Staehelin, Johannes; Hauglustaine, Didier(2);
Jourdain, Line; Rogers, Helen L.(3); Koehler, Marcus O.(3); Pyle, John
A.(3), Berntsen, Terje K.(4); Gauss, Michael(5); Meijer, Ernst(6); van
Velthoven, Peter; Grewe, Volker(7); Sausen, Robert(7); Pitari, Gianni(8);
Mancini, Eva; Isaksen, Ivar S. A.(5)
(1) Inst. for Atmospheric and Climate Science,
ETH Zurich, Switzerland; (2) Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire
des Scieces du Climat et de L'Environment, Gif-sur-Yvette, France;(3)
Centre for Atmospheric Science, Department of Chemistry, University of
Cambridge, UK; (4) CICERO - Center for International Climate and
Environmental Research, Oslo, Norway; (5) Department of Geophysics,
University of Oslo, Norway; (6) KNMI-Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch
Institut, De Bilt, Netherlands; (7) Insitute for Atmospheric Physics, DLR
Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany; (8) Dipartimento di Fisica,
Universita L'Aquila, Aquila, Italy;
In the framework of the
EU funded project TRADEOFF the quality of the performance of five European
chemistry transport (CTM) and two general circulation models (GCM) has
been evaluated through a detailed comparison with observations. The study
helps to better assess the models� capability of estimating the
impact of aircraft emissions upon the chemical composition of the
atmosphere. We placed a special emphasis on the upper troposphere/lower
stratosphere (UT/LS) region where most air traffic emissions occur and
where changes in the greenhouse gas ozone have the largest impact on
climate change. [..]
Convective processes,
which are difficult to simulate, strongly affect the photochemistry of the
UT region by rapidly lifting upwards pollutants emitted at the surface,
and lightning associated with convection provides an important source of
nitrogen oxides to this region. Production of OH radicals appears to
depend not only on O3 and H2O levels but also on carbonyls and peroxides
whose concentrations are again strongly linked to vertical transport.
Finally, due to the long lifetimes of many compounds in the UT/LS region
small inaccuracies in the advection scheme may have a significant effect
on their concentration levels. The abilities and limits of the
participating CTMs and GCMs will be discussed in light of these issues.
NOx emissions and the impact on the effect of aircraft emissions - Results
from the EU-project TRADEOFF
Grewe, Volker(1)
(1) Institut f�r Physik der Atmosph�re,
DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen, 82234 Wessling, Germany
The major upper
troposphere NOx emissions are lightning (5 TgN per year) and aircraft (0.7
TgN per year) emissions. The main lightning NOx source is located at low
latitudes and therefore separated from the main aircraft emission region
at mid latitudes. However, transport of upper troposphere tropical air
masses to lower latitudes mixes air masses of tropical and mid-latitude
characteristics, i.e. with lightning and aircraft NOx characteristics.
Simulations with the global climate-chemistry model E39/C are presented,
which demonstrate these effects and which enables the possibility to
quantify these effects. The impact of aircraft emissions upon the
chemical composition of the atmosphere (especially ozone) has
uncertainties not at least because the lightning NOx source is only
poorly known in terms of total strength and spatial distribution. This
will be highlighted and quantified based on simulations with varying
vertical distributions of the lightning NOx source.
of Present-Day and Future Subsonic Aircraft Emissions on Tropospheric
Ozone and Associated Radiative Forcing of Climate
Hauglustaine, Didier(1); Stordal, Frode(2); Myhre, Gunnar; Gauss,
Michael(3); Berntsen, Terje(4); Isaksen, Ivar(3)
(1) Institut Pierre Simon Laplace,
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, Gif-sur-Yvette,
France; (2) NILU Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller, Norway;
(3) Department of Geophysics, University of Oslo, Norway; (4) CICERO -
Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo, Norway;
aircraft release significant quantities of chemical compounds into the
upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Nitrogen
oxides NOx (= NO + NO2) are of particular
importance, since they have the potential to modify the ozone
concentration near the tropopause and hence perturb the radiative forcing
on the climate system. In addition to that, changes in NOx
associated with aircraft emissions will also increase the hydroxyl radical
OH leading to a reduced methane residence time in the atmosphere.
the EU-project TRADEOFF, state-of-the-art global atmospheric chemistry
models have been used to investigate the present-day and future (2050)
changes in atmospheric composition. In this paper, we present and discuss
the results from this study and summarize the changes in NOx, O3,
and OH, generated by several chemical transport models. These chemical
perturbations are then used as input to radiative transfer model in order
to quantify the ozone and methane forcings on climate. The methane forcing
partly offsets the positive forcing associated with ozone on the global
scale. However, geographical and temporal distributions of the two effects
are significantly different. These features will be illustrated.
of aircraft NOx emissions: Effects of changing the flight altitude.
Gauss, Michael(1); Grewe, Volker(2); Koehler, Marcus(3)
(1) Department of Geophysics, University of
Oslo, Norway; (2) Institute for Atmospheric Physics, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen,
Wessling, Germany; (3) Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of
Cambridge, UK.
the framework of the European TRADEOFF project, model studies have been
performed to investigate the altitude dependence of the impact of NOx
emissions from aircraft on the chemical composition of the atmosphere.
Here we present results from two chemical transport models (the Oslo CTM-2
and the Cambridge TOMCAT model) and one coupled climate-chemistry model
(the DLR E39C model). The model simulations focus on present (year 2000)
conditions and use different global aircraft emission scenarios, which
were developed for TRADEOFF: 1) base case assuming normal cruise
altitudes, 2) aircraft cruising 2000 ft higher, and 3) aircraft cruising
6000 ft lower. As current cruise altitudes are determined by fuel
efficiency considerations, both an increase and a decrease in flight
altitude will result in enhanced fuel consumption and higher NOx
emissions. By considering additional scenarios where the total NOx
emission is normalized to the base case, we separate the effect of
changing cruise altitudes and concomitant increases in fuel
consumption.Lower emission heights of NOx result in lower residence times
of aircraft NOx in the atmosphere since wash-out processes are more likely
to occur at lower altitudes. Therefore, the aircraft-induced increase in
ozone is clearly smaller than in the base case. The enhanced fuel
consumption compensates for this only to a minor degree. By contrast,
higher cruise altitudes lead to an increase in aircraft impact, as more
emissions occur in the stratosphere where pollutants have a significantly
longer residence time.
Simulation of Tropopause Ozone: Lessons from TRACE-P
Prather, Michael(1); Hsu, Juno(1); Wild, Oliver(2); Sundet, Jostein(3);
Isaksen, Ivar (3)
(1) Earth System Science, University of
California, Irvine, California, USA; (2) Frontier Reseach system for
Global change, Yokohama, Japan; (3) Institutt for Geofysikk, Universitetet
i Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
ability to calculate aviation�s impact on the atmosphere, whether
through gases or particles, relies on accurate simulation of the transport
and mixing processes near the extra-tropical tropopause where most
emissions occur. The recent TRACE-P campaign combined extensive airborne measurements
(including ozone Lidar and sondes) with new high-resolution, EC-forecast
meteorological datasets to drive the chemistry-transport models. While we
have identified some systematic biases of the CTM, these high-resolution
simulations (180 x 180 x 1 km) do a remarkable job of simulating the
observed temporal and geographic patterns observed, including the
correlations of ozone and carbon monoxide in the tropopause region. Such
CTM validation tests, although admittedly for only one region and season,
support the tracer transport in this new model; and we compare our new
results for the idealized case of aviation exhaust accumulation with
previous studies.
mass fluxes in a global chemistry-transport model: implications for upper
tropospheric chemistry
Meijer, Ernst(1); Van Velthoven, Peter; Bregman, Bram; Seger, Arjo; Brunner, Dominik(2)
(1) KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands; (2) Inst. for
Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland;
the impact of aircraft emissions is a particularly difficult task, since
the largest fraction of these emissions occur in the upper-tropospheric
and lowermost-stratospheric (UTLS) region.
Global chemistry-transport models have great difficulties to simulate
trace gas concentrations in this region that is characterised by strong
cross-tropopause concentration gradients and mixing between the
stratosphere and the troposphere. Yet it is near the tropopause where
radiative forcing is very sensitive to the greenhouse gas perturbations.
In the framework of the EU-project TRADEOFF we tested a new method for
calculating the mass fluxes from ECMWF data. [..]
of NASA's Global Modeling Initiative (GMI) in the Assessment of Subsonic
Aircraft Impact
Rodriguez, Jose M.(1); Logan, Jennifer A.; Rotman, Douglas A.; Bergmann,
Daniel; Baughcum, Steven L.(2); Friedl, Randall R.(3); Anderson, Donald E.
(1) RSMAS/MAC, University of Miami, Miami,
Florida, USA; (2) NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, USA;
(3) Aerodyne Research, Billerica, Massachusetts, USA
The Global Modeling
Initiative has now integrated both a tropospheric and stratospheric
version of their three-dimensional Chemical Transport Model. The
stratospheric version has been used in the past to assess the potential
impact of a future fleet of High Speed Civil Transport (HSCT). We utilize
the tropospheric version of the model to assess the impact of subsonic
aircraft on the chemical composition of the atmosphere. [..]
Study of Potential Effects of Aircraft Emissions on Stratospheric Ozone
Wuebbles, Donald J.(1) ; Dutta, Mayurakshi; Patten, Kenneth O.; Baughcum,
Steven L. (2)
(1) University of Illinois, Department of
Atmospheric Sciences., Urbana, Illinois, USA; (2) Boeing Company, Seattle,
Washington, USA
There has been much
consideration over the last decade of the potential impacts on the
environment of projected fleets of passenger jets with cruise altitudes in
the lower stratosphere. In addition to the fleets of the supersonic High
Speed Civil Transport (HSCT) aircraft studied in the 1990s, other aircraft
have been under consideration that would also fly extensively in the lower
stratosphere, such as the sonic cruiser and supersonic business jets
(SSBJs). Existing ozone-impact studies have not fully analyzed the
potential extent of possible flight and emissions criteria for such
aircraft. In addition, recent improvements to understanding of atmospheric
chemical and physical processes would also affect earlier analyses.
Scenarios used in many of these parametric studies were developed by
Baughcum (2002) as part of a set of �generic� scenarios for assessment
calculations to understand the atmospheric sensitivity to cruise altitude,
EI(NOx), and fleet fuel use for possible higher flying subsonic
or supersonic aircraft.
In this study, we employ
our recently updated state-of-the-art zonally-averaged model of
atmospheric chemistry and physics in a series of parametric studies to
examine potential effects of emissions from hypothetical fleets of
stratospheric-flying aircraft on stratospheric ozone. The new studies
examine how the modeling of aircraft effects has changed since the 1999
IPCC assessment (Aviation and the Global Atmosphere). The new studies are
also aimed at better understanding of the full envelop of effects on
stratospheric ozone from potential aircraft emissions. In addition, a
series of aircraft emissions tracer studies are done with both our
two-dimensional model and the MOZART three-dimensional model towards
defining how different the effects on ozone would be if the newest version
of MOZART with a complete representation of stratospheric processes was
applied to these analyses.
Ozone Sensitivity to Aircraft Cruise Altitudes and NOx
Baughcum, Steven(1); Plumb, Ian(2); Vohralik, Peter (2)
(1) Boeing Company, Seattle, Washington, USA;
(2) CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics, Lindfield, Australia,
stratospheric ozone impact of higher flying aircraft is sensitive to the
cruise altitude, NOx emission levels, and fleet fuel use at
cruise altitude. In this study, we present the results obtained
using the CSIRO 2-D CTM for a range of parametric aircraft emission
scenarios. Reaction rate constants and photolysis cross sections were from
the JPL-2000 recommendations. The parametric scenarios were based on
aircraft emissions for long range (greater than 2500 nautical mile)
missions projected to the year 2020. Cruise altitudes were varied in 2 km
increments over the 13 to 21 km altitude range and NOx levels
were varied for NOx emission indices [EI(NOx)] of 5,
10, and 20 grams(NO2)/kilogram fuel use.
The column ozone impact
was found to depend strongly on cruise altitude, with very little impact
for emissions at 13-15 km. Ozone response was found to depend linearly on
NOx levels. The sensitivity of the results to the recommended
rate constant compilations (e.g., JPL2000 vs JPL97 or JPL2003) will be
the Global Atmosphere by Using Commercial Aircraft: CARIBIC and MOZAIC
Brenninkmeijer, Carl A.M.(1); Slemr, Franz (1), Zahn, Andreas(2);
Fischer Herbert(2), Hermann, Markus(3); Heintzenberg, Jost(3); Schlager,
Hans(4), Ziereis, Helmut(4)
(1) Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz,
Germany; (2) Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institute for Meteorology and
Climate, Karlsruhe, Germany; (3) Institute for Tropospheric Research,
Leipzig, Germany;(4) Institute of Atmospheric Physics,
DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany
Although compared to the
massive plumes of pollution and natural emissions that emanate from the
continents, aircraft emissions form a modest contribution, it is in the
nature of us sufficiently rapidly booking progress in fully understanding
the chemistry and physics of the earth atmosphere, that improved
observation capacities are put in place. Principally, no other platform
than that commercial aircraft movements do offer, can better trace the
emissions from aircraft and the subsequent transport, mixing and chemical
transformation although there obviously are limitations as to the
actual analytical payloads commercial aircraft can routinely transport.
The German Lufthansa
supports various innovative science programs that are designed to gain a
more quantitative understanding of a host of atmospheric processes. In the
MOZAIC project a modest range of analyzers is flown on a larger number of
aircraft. By this, the largest set of in situ measurements of ozone and
water vapor has become available to the international community of
atmospheric chemists.
In CARIBIC a large range
of analyzers and air samplers are carried once to twice each month by a
single aircraft, which will be one of Lufthansa�s new A340-600ers. The
CARIBIC-LUFTHANSA approach offers a powerful package, including a DOAS
system, NO and NOy analyzers, a PTRMS system, several aerosol
analyzers, an air sample collection systems for 28 air samples an aerosol
collections system, a high precision CO2 analyzer, a mercury
analyzer, ultra fast sensors for CO and O3, systems for total
and gaseous water, etc. The new CARIBIC measurement container can now be
well considered as a powerful, compact, automated, flying-laboratory that
will be regularly deployed on long distance flights.
The first phase of
CARIBIC from 1997 until 2002 with LTU has already yielded a broad range of
interesting studies, and several examples of massive pollution plume
studies, but also the detection of nitrogen oxides from aircraft, will be
Importance of Aviation for Tourism: Status and Trends
Gossling, Stefan(1)
(1) Service Management, Lund University,
Helsingborg, Sweden
travel is an important factor in global travel, accounting for about 50%
of all travel in the industrialized countries.
On average, daily mobility in industrialized countries is in the order of
40 pkm per day, out of this roughly 20 pkm traveled for leisure. Car
travel accounts for 70-75%, air travel for 15-20%, and other means of
transport for 5-10% of the total distances traveled. Global energy use
associated with leisure-related transport may have amounted to 13,200 PJ
in 2001, out of this almost 18% (2,360 PJ) for air travel. It
deserves mention that the industrialized countries, which constitute only
15% of the world�s population, account for 82% of the global
leisure-related transport. These figures highlight the importance of
air travel for tourism and the highly skewed distribution of
leisure-related travel between industrialized and other countries. In the
future, air travel is likely to increase substantially, both as a
result of changing leisure conceptions in industrialized countries and the
increasing participation of people from developing countries in air
travel. There is, however, some uncertainty about the medium-term role of
the tourists� risk perception in travel behavior, i.e. the importance of
globally spreading diseases such as SARS, terror attacks, and war.
SCENIC project: presentation and first results.
Dessens Olivier(1); Rogers Helen(1), Pyle John(1), Scenic-project members.
(1) Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Cambridge, Chemistry
Department, UK
SCENIC Project aims to study the atmospheric impact of possible future
fleets of supersonic aircraft. In a unique partnership
between relevant European industry representatives and atmospheric
scientists, the project will use the most realistic aviation emissions
scenarios to date within state-of-the-art numerical models of the
The scientific objective
is to address the following important questions: How large are the impacts
of a mixed fleet containing high-speed supersonic passenger aircraft on
atmospheric composition and climate likely to be? How can we reduce the
possible environmental impacts generated by a supersonic fleet?
The first part of the
presentation will consist of an overview of the SCENIC-project. The second
part will focus on the first results obtained.
3D model intercomparison of the effects of future supersonic aircraft on
the chemical composition of the stratosphere.
Pitari, Giovanni(1); Mancini, Eva(1), Rogers, Helen(2), Dessens,
Olivier(2) Isaksen, Ivar(3), Rognerud, Bjorg(3)
Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita� L�Aquila, Italy, (2) Centre for
Atmospheric Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK, (3) Department of
Geophysics, University of Oslo, Norway
and aerosol emissions from future supersonic aircraft may affect the
chemical composition of the stratosphere in a significant way.
The net effect on the global ozone distribution is not easy to assess with
photochemical models, due to the complex interactions of different
catalytic cycles for ozone destruction in the stratosphere, with partial
opposing effects at different altitudes. The large scale accumulation of
H2O and NOy from high-flying aircraft is one key point to be assessed with
the models. In addition, ozone and water vapour absorb planetary radiation
in the middle atmosphere, so that changes in their distribution may
feedback on stratospheric dynamics. Here we focus on pure photochemical
effects and compare the results of three completely independent
three-dimensional chemical-transport models (CTM) (University of L�Aquila,
University of Cambridge, University of Oslo), as part of the EC-sponsored
TRADEOFF project. It should be noted that the 1999 IPCC assessment was
largely based on the results of zonally averaged or two-dimensional
models. The University of L�Aquila CTM is run in interactive mode with a
microphysics code for aerosol formation and growth, in order to calculate
the aircraft forced changes of surface area density (SAD) of sulphuric
acid aerosols. This SAD perturbation is then provided off-line to the
other two models, in order to assess the sensitivity of the three CTMs to
both NOx and SOx emissions. We will first validate
the aerosol results in the stratosphere (extinction and surface area
density) and then discuss similarities and diffences of the three CTMs in
terms of aircraft forced changes of H2O, NOy and O3.
Session 3: Particles and clouds
and Cirrus Clouds (PAZI) - Overview of Results 2000-2003
K�rcher, Bernd(1); U. Schumann(1), M. Aigner(2), U. Schurath(3), O. Schrems(4), R.
Sausen(1), H. Kruse(5), C. Schiller(6), S. Borrmann(7), F. Arnold(8), J.
Feichter(9), U. Lohmann(10), J. Str�m(11), T. Rother(12), S. Brinkop(1),
R. Busen(1), H. Flentje(1), K. Gierens(1), J. Graf(1), W. Haag(1), J.
Hendricks(1), H. Mannstein(1), A. Petzold(1), P. Wendling(1), P. Frank(2),
P. Gerlinger(2), B. Noll(2), W. Stricker(2), C. Wahl(2), O. M�hler(3), S.
Schaefers(3), O. Stetzer(3), F. Immler(4), A. D�pelheuer(5), M.
Kr�mer(6), A. Mangold(6), A. Wollny(6), J. Schneider(7), S. Wilhelm(8),
H. Aufmhoff(8), C. Timmreck(9)
DLR-Institut f�r Physik der Atmosph�re, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany (2)
DLR-Institut f�r Verbrennungstechnik, Stuttgart, Germany (3)
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut f�r Meteorologie und
Klimaforschung, Germany (4) Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Sektion Physik und
Chemie der Atmosph�re, Bremerhaven, Germany (5) DLR-Institut f�r
Antriebstechnik, K�ln, Germany (6) Forschungszentrum J�lich, Institut
f�r Stratosph�renchemie, Germany (7) Universit�t Mainz /
Max-Planck-Institut f�r Chemie, Abteilung Wolkenphysik, Mainz, Germany
(8) Max-Planck-Institut f�r Kernphysik, Bereich Atmosph�renphysik,
Heidelberg, Germany (9) Max-Planck-Institut f�r Meteorologie, Hamburg,
Germany (10) Dalhousie University, Department of Physics and Atmospheric
Science, Halifax, Canada (11) Institute of Applied Environmental Research,
Stockholm University, Sweden (12) DLR-Deutsches
Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
contact: bernd.k�
PAZI is a national
research project supported by the German Secretary of Education and
Research (BMBF) through the Helmholtz-Gesellschaft Deutscher
Forschungszentren (HGF). Research in PAZI is performed in concert with the
projects INCA, PARTEMIS, and PARTS funded by the European Commission in
the Fifth Framework Programme. PAZI investigates the interaction of
aerosol particles with cirrus clouds, with a strong emphasis on
aviation-produced aerosols and contrails, and their impact on atmospheric
composition, radiation, clouds, and climate. This overview summarizes
several important research results obtained during the first phase of the
project (2000-2003).
In particular, the
following issues will be highlighted. Measurements and models addressing
the formation and evolution of black carbon (BC) particles in burners and
jet engines; physico-chemical characterisation of aircraft-produced BC
particles; measured freezing properties of liquid and BC particles;
calculated global atmospheric distribution of BC from various sources; observed
differences in cirrus properties between clean and polluted air masses;
correlations between air traffic and cirrus cloud cover deduced from
satellite observations; process studies addressing aerosol-cirrus
interactions; parameterization of cirrus cloud formation; representation
of ice supersaturation and cirrus clouds in a climate model and possible
climatic impact.
Open research questions,
strategic goals, and the organisation of the follow-on project PAZI-2,
planned for the period 2004-2008, are briefly described.
tropospheric aerosol formation inside and outside aircraft wakes: new
findings from mass spectrometric measurements of gaseous and ionic aerosol
precursors and very small aerosols.
Arnold, Frank (Max-Planck-Institut f�r Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany
; contact:
paper reviews recent mass spectrometric measurements of upper tropospheric
(UT) gaseous and ionic aerosol precursors and very small aerosol particles
made inside and outside of aircraft wakes. The measured parameters
include: a) condensable gases particularly sulfuric acid and their
precursor SO2 b) positive and negative cluster ions c) electrically charged small
positive and negative soot particles d) electrically charged positive and
negative vary small atmospheric volatile aerosol particles which have
diameters <3nm and which therefore cannot be measured by condensation
particle counters.
new measurements suggest that formation and growth of new volatile aerosol
particles take place inside aircraft
wakes and outside aircraft wakes. Both types of particles, the ones formed
by an aircraft and the ones formed in the background UT, experience most
of their condensational growth due to the uptake of condensable gases
which are photochemically formed in the background UT and whose precursor
gases stem from ground level sources some of which are due to man-made
Particle Black Carbon Measurements in the UT/LS
Baumgardner, Darrel(1); Kok, Greg(2); Raga, Graciela(1); Diskin, Glenn (3);
Sachse, Glenn (3)
(1) CCA/UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico; (2) 2400
Central Avenue, Suite A, Boulder, Colorado, USA; (3) NASA Langley Research
Center, Langley AFB, Virginia
few measurements of black carbon (BC) aerosols have been made in the upper
troposphere and lower stratosphere (UT/LS), e.g., the limited measurements
of Pueschel et al. (1992) and Blake and Kato (1995) are the basis for
almost all global estimates of BC loading in this region.
In the winter of 2003 a new instrument, the single particle soot
photometer (SP2), made measurements of the light absorbing component of
single particles from the NASA DC-8.
Measurements were made
with the SP2 on seven flights during the SAGE III Ozone Loss and
Validation Experiment (SOLVE II) from January 24 - February 6, 2003. The
majority of these flights were flown north and west of Kiruna, Sweden
(67.8N, 20.3E) at altitudes above 10 Km. The tropopause was usually
between 9 and 10 Km, so the measurements were in stratospheric air during
most of each flight. The focus of SOLVE II was to study ozone loss in the
polar vortex, so the majority of the time of each flight was spent in some
region of the vortex. Spiral descents in the vortex were made on several
flights so that vertical profiles could be made of the particle and gas
The vertical profiles of
BC fraction show that the fraction of particles that contain BC vary from
4% to 16% of the total number of particles counted. The fraction maximizes
near the tropopause but is relatively constant between 6 and 9 Km. The
good correlation between CO and the BC fraction and mass suggests
combustion as the likely source of the BC (Baumgardner et al. ,2002).
The magnitude of the CO suggests vertical transport from surface
combustion sources. Further evaluation with back trajectory analysis and
comparison with other tracers is needed to identify the likely sources.
Pueschel et al. (1992) estimated that BC represented 0.03% of the total
aerosol number concentration in the UT/LS. The results from the present
study show BC fractions of 5-20%, i.e. concentrations that are 100-400
times larger than estimated from previous studies. These results indicate
that global BC loading may be much higher than previously assumed and
further analysis is needed to understand the environmental impact of these
new findings.
Ice-nucleating ability of soot particles in UT/LS
Suzanne, Jean(1);
Ferry, D.; Popovicheva, O.B.(2); Shonija,N.K.
CRMC2-CNRS, Campus de Luminy, Marseille, France; (2) Department of
Microelectronics, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University,
Aircraft�generated soot aerosols are assumed to be
the most likely candidates for heterogeneous ice formation of contrails
and cirrus clouds. Morphology, microstructure and water adsorbability of laboratory made
kerosene soot being an aircraft soot surrogate were studied to establish
the correlation between the morphology porosity and the ice nucleation
ability of the soot surface.
Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering (QENS) and neutron
diffraction (ND) have been used to highlight the dynamics and structure of
water/ice confined in the porous soot network. The routine of these
experiments roughly followed the evolution of temperature (T) and relative
humidity (RH) in the plume and down to UT/LS conditions. QENS spectra show
a continuous water freezing below the water bulk melting temperature.
Decrease of the translational and rotational diffusion coefficients with
temperature is attributed to the nucleation of supercooled water in the
highly constrained regions of the micro and supermicropores. This effect
causes a depression of the homogeneous nucleation point and therefore
maintains some water in a highly supercooled state below 204K. ND spectra
show a mixture of amorphous ice probably located in the soot pores
coexisting with ice Ih at the soot surface.
In the youngest plume, the water molecules adsorb on
the primary active centers filling the soot micropores (~ 0.5 nm) where
they remain strongly localized. When the plume cools down and RH ~ 70-80
%, the soot supermicropores ~ 2 nm become completely filled. Finally,
capillary condensation occurs in the soot mesopores 2 nm as well as
multilayer growth on the external surface. At the saturation plume
conditions ~ 30% of the water adsorbed on soot transform into ice probably
in the soot mesopores 2 nm and on the external surface. But the ice
nucleation/growth process is completely suppressed in the soot micro and
supermicropores because near 35 % of the water remains liquid under these
Upon evaporation of the aircraft contrail, new ice
forming nuclei containing the soot particles appear in the UT. At T @
220K, the existence of 75% ice component inside the soot pores will
increase the soot potential to act as secondary ice nuclei for cirrus
clouds. Moreover, ~ 15% of the water confined in the soot
supermicropores may remain liquid down to LS temperature @
investigation of homogeneous and heterogeneous freezing processes at
simulated UTLS conditions
M�hler, Ottmar(1); Schnaiter, Martin; Wagner, Robert; Schurath, Ulrich; Mangold,
Alexander(2); Kr�mer, Martina(2)
(1) Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, IMK-AAF,
Karlsruhe, Germany; (2) Forschungszentrum Juelich, Institut f�r
Chemie und Dynamik der Geosph�re I: Stratosph�re, J�lich, Germany
Ice nucleation (IN) in
the UTLS region can occur either by homogeneous freezing of solution
droplets below about 240 K, or be heterogeneously induced by so-called ice
nuclei. At these low temperatures, homogeneous IN requires high ice
supersaturations of up to 60%, which are frequently observed in the upper
troposphere. High updraft velocities favour cirrus formation at the
homogeneous freezing threshold. At lower updrafts, however, heterogeneous
ice nuclei, e.g . aircraft emitted soot particles, may selectively be
activated at lower supersaturation. The pristine ice crystals grow by
water uptake, thus eventually limiting the maximum supersaturation to
values below the homogeneous freezing threshold. This mechanism could
explain optically thin cirrus layers with ice particles of low number
concentration and large size. The large coolable and evacuable aerosol
chamber AIDA (Aerosol Interaction and Dynamics in the Atmosphere) of
Forschungszemtrum Karlsruhe is used as a moderate expansion cloud chamber
to study processes of ice formation at simulated cirrus conditions like
temperature, cooling rate, and ice supersaturation. The freezing onset is
detected by measuring the intensity and depolarisation of forward- and
back-scattered laser radiation, highly sensitive to the formation of
a-spherical ice particles. Until freezing onset, relative humidity is
calculated from total water concentration measured with the FISH (fast in
situ stratospheric hygrometer) instrument. The ice particle number
concentration and size is measured with an optical particle counter. The
growing and evaporating ice cyrystals are also characterized by in situ
FTIR extinction spectra. In this paper we briefly discuss recent process
studies of the formation, growth, and optical properties of ice crystals
in relevant aerosol systems, e.g. sulphuric acid droplets and soot
particles coated with sulphuric acid and ammonium sulphate layers.
Modelling of Cirrus Cloud - an intercomparison of different approaches for
homogeneous nucleation.
Monier, Marie(1); Wobrock, Wolfram; Flossmann, Andrea
(1) Laboratoire de M�t�orologie Physique,
Aubi�re, France
We developed a cirrus
model with detailed microphysics including homogeneous nucleation,
deposition on ice crystal and riming of supercooled droplets on ice
crystals. The model treats the particle distribution as two-dimensional,
which allows to keep the information on the aerosol particles which act as
CCN and determine the solute concentration of the droplet.
To get accurately the
number of crystals, homogeneous nucleation must be determined very
carefully during the short period of cirrus formation. The formation
period is limited by the consumption of water vapour by the strong
depositional growth of the new small crystals. Therefore, these two
processes should be treated closely. [..]
of contrail and cirrus cloud measurements from the WB-57 aircraft in the
Friedl, Randall(1); wb-57 crystal-face science team
(1) Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, California,
The WB57F aircraft
component of the Cirrus Regional Study of Tropical Anvils and Cirrus
Layers - Florida Area Cirrus Experiment (CRYSTAL-FACE) mission provided 27
gas and particle sampling instruments for in situ characterization of
chemical and microphysical properties of cirrus clouds in the upper
troposphere and lower stratosphere. The aircraft collected over 65 hours
of science data during the mission, with a substantial fraction of the
time spent sampling cirrus clouds. The aircraft also obtained valuable
chemical data in contrails, near the tropopause and in the stratosphere up
to altitudes of 18 km. The WB57F data set certainly represents the largest
and most comprehensive in situ examination of cirrus cloud properties in
the 12 km to 15 km region of the atmosphere. This presentation will
overview the aircraft payload, flight profiles, and preliminary data.
Among the observations to be discussed will be the behavior of nitric acid
on cirrus and contrail particles, water vapor concentrations and ice water
content in contrails, water isotope variations in and out of clouds, and
particle composition of contrail and cirrus cloud particle nuclei.
of Contrail Coverage over the USA Missed During the Air Traffic Shutdown
Minnis, Patrick(1); Garber, Donald P.; Nguyen, Louis; Duda, David P.(1); Palikonda,
(1) NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton,
Virginia, USA
Following the tragic
events of 11 September 2001, commercial and personal air traffic was
halted for at least 36 hours with resumption of more normal flight
activity by 15 September 2001. During the air traffic shutdown, the
contrail coverage over the United States of America (USA) decreased
dramatically with only a few military jets producing contrails. This lack
of contrails over the USA was even noticed by astronauts. Analyses of
weather data during the shutdown period indicate an anomaly in the diurnal
range of surface air temperature that was attributed to the lack of
contrails. Such an anomaly would result from the lack of radiative forcing
by contrails and would indicate not only that contrails affect climate but
can affect the daily weather. Better quantification of the radiative
forcing that would have occurred during normal air traffic during the
shutdown requires a simulation of the effects of the missing air traffic.
An analysis of satellite data and hourly rapid update cycle (RUC) profiles
of temperature and humidity are used to tune a simple model of contrail
formation, spreading, and dissipation for several days during September
2001. Normal air traffic is then �flown through the model� using the
conditions observed and analyzed during the shutdown period. Satellite
analyses of cloud cover are used to specify areas where natural cloud
cover would mask or negate the simulated contrails. The resulting
simulated contrails are then used to estimate the radiative forcing as a
function of the time of day and compared with the distribution of diurnal
temperature range anomalies.
Contrail Frequency Estimated from RUC and Flight Track Data
Duda, David P.(1); Minnis, Patrick(1); Costulis, P. Kay; Palikonda, Rabindra(1)
(1) NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton,
Virginia, USA
can affect the global atmospheric radiation budget by increasing planetary
albedo and reducing infrared emission. The
total amount of the global radiative forcing depends on several poorly
known factors including the global mean contrail optical depth,
cloud microphysics and the frequency of contrail occurrence. Current
theoretical estimates of global contrail coverage are tuned to early
estimates of linear contrail coverage determined visually from infrared
satellite imagery. The estimates differ based on the parameterization used
to diagnose contrails and the numerical weather analyses employed to
determine the ambient conditions. Development of reliable methods for
diagnosing persistent contrails and their physical and radiative
properties from numerical weather analyses is essential for predicting
future contrail climate impacts.
A new estimate of
contrail frequency and coverage over the continental United States (CONUS)
is developed using hourly meteorological analyses from the Rapid Update
Cycle (RUC) numerical weather prediction model and commercial air traffic
data from FlyteTrax. The potential persistent contrail frequency over the
CONUS is computed directly from RUC analyses using a modified form of the
classical Schmidt-Appleman criteria for persistent contrail formation. The
potential contrail frequency is adjusted to account for the occurrence of
thick cloudiness in possible regions of persistent contrail formation. The
air traffic density data is then combined with the potential contrail
frequency to estimate the expected contrail coverage. This estimate is
compared with previous estimates of contrail coverage, and from a direct
satellite estimate of contrail coverage based on an empirical contrail
detection algorithm.
Properties Derived From UARS MLS Measurements
Danilin, Michael Y.(1); Baughcum, Steven L.(1), Read, William G.(2)
(1) The Boeing Company, Seattle, Washington,
USA; (2) NASA JPL, Pasadena, USA
The goal of this study
is to evaluate the fraction of the air traffic in the ice-supersaturated
areas (ISA) and to derive contrail coverage using the best available
measurements. In contrast to previous studies, which primarily used ECMWF
assimilated data, we utilize multi-year Upper Atmosphere Research
Satellite (UARS) Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) measurements of relative
humidity above ice (RHI) at altitudes 8-14 km. Applying the MLS RHI
measurements during the 1991-1997 period and scheduled air traffic
scenarios, the fraction of air traffic flown through ISA was evaluated.
Estimates of globally and annually averaged contrail coverage were also
The sensitivity of our
results to aircraft propulsion efficiency and to variations in cruise
altitude were evaluated. Uncertainties of our analysis and possible future
work were discussed.
of contrails and cirrus over Europe
Mannstein, Hermann(1)
(1) DLR-Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere,
Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany
trails (contrails) are now a common feature at the mid latitude skies. Young contrails can be easily identified by their linear appearance, but
during the ageing both, the macroscopic structure and the microscopic
composition, approach that of natural thin cirrus clouds. Optically
thin cirrus clouds and also contrails are known to have a positive climate
impact: they are warming the earth/atmosphere system. Up until now only
the linear contrails have been considered in studies concerning the
climate impact of air traffic.
In this work a
simplified theory on cirrus coverage due to the spreading of contrails is
verified by satellite observations. As expected by this model a
significant increase of cirrus coverage of 3% due to air traffic over
Europe was found. This is ten times more then the coverage by linear
perturbations on cirrus and contrail cirrus
Zerefos, Christos(1); Eleftheratos, Kostas(1); Zanis, Prodromos(2); Balis,
Dimitris(3); Stordal, Frode(4); Myhre, Gunnar(4)
(1) Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric
Environment, Department of Geology, University of Athens, Greece; (2)
Research Center for Atmospheric Physics & Climatology, Academy of
Athens, Greece; (3) Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, Department of
Physics, University of Thessaloniki, Greece; (4) Norwegian Institute for
Air Research, Norway
This study presents
results from the special workpackage of the TRADEOFF project on clouds and
contrails. The work is focused on the detection of contrail cirrus from
satellite images and the determination of air traffic contribution.
Changes in cirrus coverage and their association to aviation activities
are examined and analyzed at congested air corridors of the northern
middle latitudes. The analysis is based on the latest version of the
International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project D2 data set and covers
the period 1984-2001.
Over regions of the
northern middle latitudes with increased air traffic density from 1992 to
2000, the effect of large-scale modes of natural climate variability such
as ENSO, QBO and NAO fluctuations, were first removed from the cloud data
set in order to calculate the long-term changes of observed cirrus
cloudiness. The results show significant positive trends of cirrus
coverage between 1984 and 2001, over the heavy air traffic locations of
the northern hemisphere during the summertime. These changes could be
related to the change in highflying air traffic density from 1992 to 2000.
It is shown that along the latitudinal belt centered at the North Atlantic
air corridor, the longitudinal distribution of long-term changes in cirrus
cloudiness between 1984 and 2001 is strongly correlated to the
longitudinal distribution of changes in fuel consumption from 1992 to 2000
(R=+0.73), providing an independent test of possible impact of aviation
on contrail cirrus formation. During winter, the higher inter-annual
natural variability in wintertime atmospheric synoptic systems may mask
the possible anthropogenic effect on cirrus clouds. These results
are compared with other studies and different periods of records and it
appears that, as evidenced in this and in earlier studies, there exists
general agreement on the anthropogenic effect on high cloud trends.
alteration of ice clouds by aircraft soot
Penner, Joyce(1); Liu, Xiaohong
(1) Dept. of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space
Sciences, University of Michigan, Michigan, USA
has been proposed that aircraft can affect cloudiness by changing the
number of aerosols available for ice nucleation at flight altitudes. The impact of aircraft on cloudiness depends on the competition
between surface sources of ice nuclei and those from aircraft which
depends on both the number of nuclei and the mode of nucleation. We have
developed a parameterization that accounts for the effects of aerosol
number concentration as well as two different modes of nucleation in
the upper troposphere. The parameterization treats homogeneous nucleation
by sulfate and immersion nucleation by soot. It has been used to study the
effects of sulfate aerosols from surface sources on the initial number
concentration of ice particles formed in the upper troposphere. Here, we
use concentrations from the IMPACT and GMI aerosol models to examine
the relative importance of soot, acting as immersion nuclei, from both
surface and aircraft sources in altering the effects of sulfate from
homogeneous ice nucleation. The relative effects of sulfate and soot are
compared along with a commonly used deposition nucleation parameterization
by Meyers et al (1992).
impact of aviation-induced black carbon on cirrus clouds:
model studies with the ECHAM GCM
Hendricks, Johannes(1); K�rcher, Bernd(1); D�pelheuer, Andreas(2);
Feichter, Johann(3); Lohmann, Ulrike(4)
(1) Institut f�r Physik der Atmosph�re,
DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany; (2) Institut f�r
Antriebstechnik, DLR K�ln-Porz, Germany; (3) Max Planck Institut f�r
Meteorologie, Hamburg, Germany; (4) Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
potential impacts of aviation-induced particles on cirrus occurrence
frequency and cirrus optical properties have been discussed. Aircraft
exhaust particles, especially black carbon (BC) and sulfate aerosols, may
perturb the aerosol populations in the upper troposphere and lowermost
stratosphere (UTLS) and may act as ice nuclei via homogeneous or
heterogeneous ice nucleation occurring at sufficient supersaturations. Recent studies suggest that
the impact of aircraft sulfur emissions on cirrus properties via
homogeneous freezing of sulfate aerosols is probably small. Hence, the
question has been addressed whether aircraft-generated BC particles
serving as heterogeneous ice nuclei (IN) may have a significant impact on
cirrus cloudiness and cirrus microphysical properties.
In the present study,
global simulations on the potential impact of aircraft-generated BC
particles on cirrus clouds via heterogeneous nucleation have been
performed. The general circulation model ECHAM4 is applied including
predictions of major aerosol species and cloud condensate. In a first
step, the global impact of aircraft activity on the availability of
potential heterogeneous IN, such as mineral dust or BC particles, in the
UTLS was quantified. The results suggest a significant large-scale
contribution of aviation to the heterogeneous IN number concentration.
This indicates a potential for aviation-induced BC to impact cirrus cloud
formation. Hence, in a second step, potential impacts of aircraft
BC particles on cirrus clouds have been simulated. Sensitivity
experiments have been performed considering various scenarios of ice
nucleating efficiencies of different types of potential heterogeneous IN.
The presentation will highlight the potential impacts of BC from aircraft
on cirrus properties simulated for the different scenarios. Uncertainties
associated with the model predictions will be discussed.
Development of Contrail Cover, Optical Depth and Radiative Forcing:
Impacts of Increasing Air Traffic and Climate Change
Marquart, Susanne(1); Ponater, Michael(1); Mager, Fabian(1); Sausen,
(1) DLR-Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere,
Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany
The future development
of linear-shaped contrails is investigated considering changes in air
traffic, aircraft technology as well as climate change by means of a
contrail parameterization developed for the ECHAM general circulation
model. Time slice simulations performed during the EU-project TRADEOFF
show an increase in global annual mean contrail cover from 0.06% in
1992 to 0.14% in 2015 and to 0.22% in 2050. In the northern
extratropics, the enhancement of contrail cover is mainly determined by
the growth of aviation. In the tropics, contrail cover is, additionally,
highly affected by climate change. In order to quantify the effect of
systematic errors in the model climate on contrail cover, we additionally
perform offline diagnostic studies. These studies suggest an
underestimation of global contrail cover in the ECHAM simulations by a
factor of about 0.8-0.9.
The effect of the bias
in the model climate is strongest in tropical latitudes.
The temporal development
of the simulated contrail radiative forcing is most closely related to
total contrail cover, although the mean optical depth is found to increase
in a warmer climate. Our best estimate is an increase of global annual
mean radiative forcing from 3.5 mWm^-2 in 1992 to 9.4 mWm^-2 in 2015 and
to 14.8 mWm^-2 in 2050. Uncertainties in contrail radiative forcing mainly
arise from uncertainties in microphysical and optical properties such as
particle shape, particle size, and optical depth.
studie of contrails in a general circulation model
Guldberg, Annette(1)
(1) Danish Meteorological Institute,
Copenhagen, Denmark
The IFSHAM model is used
for a study of contrails in a general circulation model. The IFSHAM model
is a model based on the dynamical core from the IFS model and the physical
parameterization package from the ECHAM model.
The contrail
parameterization scheme of Ponater et. al. (JGR 2002) has been implemented
in this model in order to be able to study contrail formation. The scheme
is based on thermodynamic theory and the principles of the models cloud
Sensitivity experiments
have been performed in order to study the impact of model resolution and
the results are compared with the few other model studies that exist and
with observed data. Results for global contrail cover, radiative forcing
and contrail optical properties are shown.
In order to investigate
the importance for contrail formation of the systematic errors of the
model, experiments have been performed where the model is nudged towards
observed data. Using this technique the systematic errors are
substantially reduced and the impact on contrail formation is discussed.
4: Mitigation
the potential of the cryoplane option to reduce aircraft climate impact
Ponater, Michael(1); Marquart, Susanne(1); Str�m, Linda(1); Sausen,
Robert(1); Gierens, Klaus(1); H�ttig, Gerhard(2)
(1) Institut f�r Physik der Atmosph�re,
DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany; (2) Institut f�r Luft- und
Raumfahrt, TU-Berlin, Germany
technological option to reduce the climate impact of air traffic is a
switch to alternative fuels like liquid hydrogen.
We have investigated the quantitative potential of such a change,
evaluating a scenario that incorporates, both, the expected increase of
air traffic between 1990 and 2050, and a technology transition between
2015 and 2050.
The study covers the
effects of reduced CO2 emissions, reduced NOx emissions, and a
different contrail radiative impact to be expected from changes in
coverage and optical properties. Dedicated experiments with a
microphysical process model as well as with a sophisticated climate model
have been run to identify key numbers for the specific impact of
cryoplane contrails on the climate. A linear response model has then
been used to describe the global climate impact. We find a typical value
of about 25% radiative forcing reduction from aircraft emissions for the
2050 time slice, if cryoplane were introduced. Best estimates range
between 16% and 29%, depending on the speed of the technology transition.
Due to inherent scientific uncertainties this range widens to between 14%
and 40%.
Some further sources of
uncertainty like cirrus cloud changes or possible CO2 emissions from the
liquid hydrogen production process have not been included in the current
in Contrail and CO2 Radiative Forcing by Altered Cruise
Lee, David S.(1); Sausen, Robert(2); Marquart, Susanne(2); Fichter,
Christine(2); Norman, Peter(3)
(1) Department of Environmental and
Geographical Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester,
UK;(2) Institute for Atmospheric Physics, DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany;
(3) QinetiQ, Farnborough, UK.
Within the 5FP EU
project TRADEOFF, the impact of revised cruise altitudes was
examined in a parametric study. Cruise altitudes were changed by +2,000,
-2,000 and �6,000 feet and the consequential CO2 and NOx
emissions calculated for the global fleet. A new contrail coverage
calculation was performed using distance travelled rather than fuel with
the GCM ECHAML39(DLR)/CHEM. In addition the radiative forcing from
line-shaped contrails was calculated. The largest signal arose from the
�6,000 ft case, which increased CO2 emissions by a few
percent by decreased linear contrail coverage by 43% and radiative forcing
by 45%.
for Mitigating Contrail Formation from Aircraft
Noland, Robert(1); Toumi, Ralf(2); Williams, Victoria(3)
(1) Centre for Transport Studies, Dept. of
Civil & Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, London,
UK; (2) Dept of Physics, Imperial College London, London, UK; (3)
Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster, London, UK
possible approach to mitigating the production of contrails from aircraft
is to place restrictions on cruise altitudes based upon ambient
atmospheric conditions. Temperature and humidity conditions in the
atmosphere are a determinant of contrail formation, which in general is
more likely the lower the temperature and the higher the humidity levels.
This research examined the ability to restrict cruise altitudes as a
policy for reducing contrail formation. A simulation model of European
airspace was used to examine seasonal altitude restrictions and the effect
on carbon emissions (fuel burn), travel times and air traffic controller
workload. Seasonal altitude restrictions were based upon monthly average
atmospheric conditions that resulted in winter-time restrictions of 24,000
feet and summer-time restrictions of 31,000 feet. Results showed only a
small increase in carbon emissions and travel times but more severe
implications for controller workload. Further analyses examined longer
haul North Atlantic flights that would need more severe altitude
restrictions. This sort of policy was still found to be feasible for some
longer haul flights, but would be less effective than for short haul
flights. Potential further research and policy implications are discussed.
by Design
John Green
the coming century, the impact of air travel on the environment will
become an increasingly powerful influence on aircraft design. Unless the
impact per passenger kilometre can be reduced substantially relative to
today�s levels, environmental factors will increasingly limit the
expansion of air travel and the social benefit that it brings. Of the three main
impacts, noise, air pollution around airports and influence on climate
change, the third is considered to have the greatest long-term importance.
Of the three main contributors to climate change from aircraft - CO2
emissions, NOX emissions and the creation of persistent
contrails - it is the last two which are the most promising targets.
Ways of reducing the impacts of these two are discussed and it is noted
that, in each case, the best environmental result is likely to entail some
increase in CO2 emissions. It follows that regulatory or
economic measures to reduce impact on climate should be framed so as to do
just that. Measures framed purely in terms of CO2 emissions are
likely to be counter-productive. Nevertheless, the design of aircraft to
reduce fuel burn and hence CO2 emission remains a key long-term
objective and, in this context, the paper considers the potential offered
by new technology and new design concepts.
Poster Presentations
Session 1:
Engine Emissions and Plume Processes / Transport and impact on chemical
of Volatile and Non-Volatile Ultrafine Particles from a Combustion Source
Fiebig, Markus(1); Fritzsche, Lutz; Stein, Claudia; Nyeki, Stephan; Petzold, Andreas(1)
(1) Institut f�r Physik der Atmosph�re, DLR
Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany
The formation of
volatile nanoparticles from gaseous precursors in the cooling exhaust gas
of combustion sources is a well-known phenomenon. In particular the
emission of condensation particles by aviation at cruise is discussed as a
possible source for sulphuric acid particles in the upper troposphere. The
size of these nucleating particles depends strongly on the relative
humidity of the atmosphere, but remains in general below 20 nm in
diameter. Furthermore, the occurrence of non-volatile nanoparticles of
diameter 5 nm is reported for soot forming flames. These non-volatile
nanoparticles are regarded as precursor of the combustion aerosol
particles (soot). Both types of nanoparticles were observed in the exhaust
of a jet engine combustor. The effect of combustor operation conditions
and fuels sulphur content (FSC) on both types of nanoparticles is
investigated using experimental methods and modelling studies.
Sulfur (VI) in the simulated internal flow of an aircraft gas turbine
engine: first measurements during the PartEmis project
Katragkou, Eleni(1);
Wilhelm, S.; Arnold, F.(1); Wilson, C.W.(2)
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany; (2)
QinetiQ, Centre for Aerospace Technology, Farnborough, UK
Gaseous S(VI) (SO3+H2SO4) has been measured for the
first time by chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS) in the
simulated internal flow of an aircraft gas turbine in a test rig at ground
level during the PartEmis 2002 campaign. [..]
The present values support the view of relatively
small e in the few per cent range. Our findings have important
implications for volatile aerosol formation and soot particle activation
in aircraft wakes and their role in contrail and cloud formation.
of Volatile and Non-Volatile Ultrafine Particles from a Combustion Source
Fiebig, Markus(1); Fritzsche, Lutz; Stein, Claudia; Nyeki, Stephan; Petzold, Andreas(1)
(1) Institut f�r Physik der Atmosph�re, DLR
Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany
The formation of
volatile nanoparticles from gaseous precursors in the cooling exhaust gas
of combustion sources is a well-known phenomenon. In particular the
emission of condensation particles by aviation at cruise is discussed as a
possible source for sulphuric acid particles in the upper troposphere. The
size of these nucleating particles depends strongly on the relative
humidity of the atmosphere, but remains in general below 20 nm in
diameter. Furthermore, the occurrence of non-volatile nanoparticles of
diameter 5 nm is reported for soot forming flames. These non-volatile
nanoparticles are regarded as precursor of the combustion aerosol
particles (soot). Both types of nanoparticles were observed in the exhaust
of a jet engine combustor. The effect of combustor operation conditions
and fuels sulphur content (FSC) on both types of nanoparticles is
investigated using experimental methods and modelling studies. [..]
The effect of combustor
operation conditions and fuels sulphur content (FSC) on both types of
nanoparticles is investigated using experimental methods and modelling
studies. [..]
At low and medium FSC,
particles of the smallest size class occur by a factor of about 20 less
frequently like combustion aerosol particles, while at high FSC they are
up to 7 times more frequent than combustion aerosol particles. In
contrast, the occurrence of particles in size bins 7 -9 nm and 9 - 20 nm
is almost independent of the FSC. From a volatility analysis of the
sub-20-nm fraction it is concluded that volatile condensation particles
are composed of sulphuric acid while non-volatile nanoparticles most
likely consist of carbonaceous material.
of Binary Nucleation in Aircraft Exhaust Plume
Sorokin, Andrey(1); Vancassel, Xavier(2); Mirabel, Philippe(2)
(1) Central Institute of Aviation Motors,
Moscow, Russia, (2) Centre de G�ochimie de la Surface, CNRS and
Universit� Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France
Civil aviation releases
various components that can affect natural atmospheric processes. In
particularly, the sulfur and water vapours emitted by engines may be
converted to liquid and ice aerosol particles that may act as cloud
condensation nucleus. The key crucial point in this process is an initial
phase of nucleation of numerous new particles in an exhaust plume during
its cooling and expansion in the ambient atmosphere. In this article, the
kinetics of non�steady nucleation and time lag for binary homogeneous
nucleation of sulfuric acid-water aerosols is considered in a comparison
with the usually used classical steady-state nucleation theory. [..]
USA Commercial Flight Track Database for Upper Tropospheric Aircraft
Emission Studies
Garber, Donald P.(1); Minnis, Patrick(2); Costulis, P. Kay
(1) Analytical Services & Materials,
Hampton, Virginia, USA; (2) NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, USA
of the atmospheric effects of air traffic on the atmosphere require a
realistic representation of the density and timing of flights at different
altitudes. Simulations of air traffic typically involve the use of fuel use data to
represent flight duration at particular levels. Such datasets have been
valuable but are limited in information and have not been updated for many
years. This paper describes a new database of upper tropospheric
commercial flights over the contiguous United States of America (USA). It
is currently available and being continuously updated with new data on a
daily basis. Commercial flight information taken in real time over the USA
from the FlyteTrax system developed by FlyteComm, Inc. has been archived
at NASA Langley research Center since September 2000. The raw data consist
of 2-, 5-, or 10-minute reports of flight number, aircraft type, time,
latitude, longitude, altitude, heading, destination and origination
locations, speed, and departure and arrival times. All reported portions
of flights above 25,000 ft (7.6 km) within the domain bounded by 20�N -
50�N and 60�W - 135�W are quality controlled after sorting the data by
flight number and time. Flights remaining after passing the quality
control checks are then used to develop the database, which is divided
into two parts: linear and gridded. The former computes the node points
for each flight track on 1� latitude-longitude grid using interpolation
along great circle arcs between each report. These standardized flight
track positions comprise the linear database in the form of one file for
each flight along with a header describing the general flight
characteristics. The gridded database uses the standardized flight tracks
to determine for each hour the number and total length of flights within a
1-km vertical range in a given 1� grid box. The linear dataset should be
useful for detailed simulation studies, while the gridded data should be
more valuable for use in climate simulations. Statistics on the flight
lengths, vertical distribution, and temporal variability at various scales
will be presented.
of NO and ice crystals produced from combustion generated warer vapor in a
simulated jet engine exhaust gas plume
Hayashi,Shigeru(1); Yamada; Hideshi, Takazawa,Kingo; Makida,Mitsumasa; Kurosawa,Youji
(1) National Aerospace laboratory, Tokyo,
This paper describes the
results of a preliminary experimental study on the NO-ice crystals
interaction in a simulated jet engine exhaust plume. The formation of ice
crystal (snow) by condensation of water vapor in the exhaust gas simulates
the formation of contrail. The experiments were conducted in the coldest
season at Rikubetu in Hokkaido, Japan. [..]
Validation of the Kinetic Soot Model: An Experimental and Theoretical
Study on Soot Formation using LII and Shifted Vibrational CARS
Geigle, Klaus Peter(1);
Schneider-K�hnle, Yorck(1); Kr�ger, V�ronique(1); Tsurikov, Michael(1);
L�ckerath, Rainer(1); Braun-Unkhoff, Marina(1); Slavinskaya, Nadja(1);
Frank, Peter(1); Stricker, Winfried(1); Aigner, Manfred(1)
(1) Institut f�r Verbrennungstechnik, DLR
Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
The reduction of pollutants from aeroengines is an
important challenge for the design of new combustion systems. Increasing
efforts aim at studying the processes contributing to soot forma�tion and
oxidation. There are two main approaches towards a comprehensive
understanding of these reactions: experimental determination of physical
properties in sooting flames and theoretical modelling of the underlying
chemical processes.
Engine Combustion Particle Hygroscopicity under Subsaturated Conditions
Gysel, Martin(1); Nyeki, Stephan(1), Weingartner, Ernest(1), Baltensperger, Urs(1),
Giebl, Heinrich(2), Hitzenberger, Regina(2), Petzold, Andreas(3), Wilson,
Christopher W(4)
(1) Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, Paul
Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland, (2) Institute for Experimental
Physics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, (3) Institut f�r Physik
der Atmosph�re, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany, (4) Centre for
Aerospace Technology, QinetiQ, Farnborough, UK.
Hygroscopic properties
of jet engine combustion particles were investigated within the
EU-PartEmis project. Focal points were the influence of fuel sulphur
content (FSC), engine operating condition and of the turbine section on
the particle properties. [..]
However, corresponding
HGFs at high FSC were 1.09 and ~1.18, respectively, indicating an increase
of particle hygroscopicity through the turbine section. Under identical
conditions HGFs also depended on the initial particle size, small
particles were more hygroscopic than larger particles.
AvioMEET Inventory Tool and its Applications
Bukovnik Monika(1); Kalivoda Manfred(1)
(1) PSIA - CONSULT, Umweltforschung und
Engineering GmbH, Wien, Austria
Increasing numbers of flights and still unknown
effects of exhaust gases on the high atmosphere have drawn most attention
on air traffic and its emissions. In Europe, many institutions are working in this
area, collect traffic and emission data, create emission inventories and
assess effects. That lead to some work done in parallel while using
different databases and methodologies which often lead to results that
cannot be compared or matched.
COST 319 action and MEET project were a starting
point for a dialogue and discussions between the different communities
involved and thus gave an incentive for harmonisation. MEET project came
up with a methodology for estimating air pollutant emissions from present
and future air traffic. Methodology and emission indices are now used
for strategic environmental assessment and transport policy making.
Methodology used in MEET project and presented here
is based on a flexible design that allows to adjust it to the user
requirements as well as on air traffic data and emission factors (easily)
available. Based on the MEET methodology an MS-Access computer tool was
created, called AvioMEET, which uses most of the Emission Indices
published in the Emission Index Sheets of MEET/Deliverable 18. TRENDS
finally uses all this more or less theoretical knowledge to apply it on
existing traffic activity data to come up with a database of environmental
indication for air transport.
Parcel Trajectories in the South-European UTLS: Implications for the
Impact of Air Traffic Emissions
Leigh, Phil(1), MacKenzie, Rob, Borrmann, Stephan
(1) Department of Enironmental and Natural
Sciences, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
This poster reports on
meridional and vertical transport in the region of the tropopause during
the APE-INFRA 2002 and Geophysica-ENVISAT satellite test and validation
campaigns from Forli, Italy during July and October 2002. The Geophysica
high-altitude research plane (July, October) and the DLR Falcon (October)
were used during these campaigns and the flight paths are designed to
converge with the footprint of the ENVISAT satellite. [..]
trajectory modelling has shown that a number of air parcels have both
descended from the lower stratosphere into the emissions zone (UTLS);
while a smaller number have risen through the mid-tropospheric layer to
the upper troposphere. Rapid cross-isentropic transport/dispersion is
reported in the UTLS. This rapid vertical transport is unsurprising in the
troposphere, but the cause of rapid vertical transport in the lower
stratosphere is still under investigation.
Since we would expect
air from high latitudes to be chemically different to air originating in
the sub-tropics in the lower stratosphere, we discuss how the relative
abundance of high and low latitude air in the region of air traffic
emissions will influence the likely impact of these emissions.
Initial results from
in-situ instruments aboard both the Geophysica and Falcon aircraft for the
�NERC� flight of the 17/10/2002 show distinct signals of aged
aircraft exhaust plumes. This signal is particularly prominent in many
chemical species such as: Ozone, water vapour, NO, NOy; along
0.3-20mm aerosol size distributions
and condensation nuclei (CN) number concentrations. Further
investigation of these aircraft contrails is currently being carried out.
impact of aircraft on the chemical composition of the atmosphere and
options for reducing the impact. A 3D CTM model study.
Gauss, Michael(1); Isaksen, Ivar(1); Lee, David(2)
(1) Department of Geophysics, University of
Oslo, Norway; (2) Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences,
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
In the framework of the
EU project TRADEOFF, a 3-D global chemical transport model driven by ECMWF
meteorological data is used to calculate the impact of NOx emissions
from aircraft on the chemical composition of the atmosphere in the year
2000. The model applies two comprehensive numerical schemes for
tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry, respectively, and calculates
advective transport based on the accurate Second Order Moments scheme. The
vertical resolution is better than 1 km in the tropopause region.
In our model
calculations we use a set of different emission scenarios, which were
developed by QinetiQ in the TRADEOFF project. The focus of this study
is on the aircraft impact and its sensitivity to flight altitude and
flight routing (polar routes). For comparison, we calculate the
aircraft impact for an emission scenario provided by NASA, which was used
in the IPCC report on aviation and the global Atmosphere.
investigate geographical and temporal variations in the impact on ozone,
reactive nitrogen (NOy), NOx (NO+NO2), OH, and the lifetime of CH4.
Finally a calculation of aircraft impact in the year 2050 using emissions
estimated by NASA is presented, illustrating the effect of a changing
background atmosphere and the increase in NOx emissions from aircraft. In
this context the non-linearity of the ozone response due to NOx emissions
is clearly revealed.
the Impact of Subsonic Aircraft Emissions on Ozone
K�hler, Marcus O.(1); Rogers, Helen L.(1); Pyle, John A.(1)
(1) Centre for Atmospheric Science, University
of Cambridge, Chemistry Department, UK
The impact of aircraft
NOx emissions on ozone in the UTLS region has been studied within the
framework of the TRADEOFF project. Model integrations have been performed
using TOMCAT, a 3-dimensional tropospheric chemistry transport model.
Perturbations to aircraft emissions have been incorporated by changing the
cruise altitude and flight routing of the present-day subsonic fleet. The
effects of tropospheric gas-phase chemistry on ozone mixing ratios and
tropospheric ozone column have been investigated. A selection of results
from the TRADEOFF project will be presented here.
of Nitric Acid in Cirrus Clouds
Kr�mer, Martina(1); Beuermann, J., Schiller, C., Grimm, F., Arnold, F(2)., Peter, Th.(3),
Meilinger, S., Meier, A., Hendricks, J.(4), Petzold, A.(4), Schlager,
(1) Institut f�r Chemie der Geosph�re I:
Stratosph�re, Forschungszentrum J�lich, J�lich, Germany; (2) MPI f�r
Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany; (3) Institute for Atmospheric and Climate
Science, Zurich, Switzerland; (4) Institute for Atmospheric Physics, DLR
Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany
clouds have attracted increasing attention in recent years, in particular
because of their role in the radiative forcing of climate, indirect
aerosol forcing as well as their relevance for the chemistry of upper
tropospheric ozone. One possible mechanism important for atmospheric
chemistry and trace gas distribution is the denitrification of the
tropopause region by sedimenting cirrus ice particles. However, up to now
the question on the partitioning of nitric acid in a cirrus cloud
situation including the efficiency of nitric acid scavenging by ice
particles is not satisfactorily answered.
From a synopsis of
field, laboratory and model studies at T205K as well as from the field
experiments Polstar at T<205K we derive a general picture of the
partitioning of nitric acid (HNO3) in cirrus clouds and a new hypothesis
on the uptake of HNO3 on ice particles:
A substantial part of
nitric acid remains in the gas phase under cirrus cloud conditions. The
HNO3 removed from the gas phase is distributed between interstitial
aerosol and ice particles in dependence on ice surface area and
temperature, respectively. In cold cirrus clouds with small ice surface
areas (T<205K) the partitioning is strongly in favour of interstitial
ternary solution particles while in warmer cirrus clouds with large ice
surface areas the uptake on ice dominates. Consequently, denitrification
via sedimenting ice particles may occur only in the -more frequently
occurring- warm cirrus clouds.
The HNO3 coverage on ice
is found to be different for ice particles and ice films. On ice films the
coverage can increase with decreasing temperature from about 0.1 to 0.8
monolayer, while that on ice particles is found to decrease with
temperature and the partial pressure of HNO3 from 0.1 to 0.001 monolayer.
An HNO3 uptake behaviour following dissociative Langmuir isotherms where
the coverage decreases for descending temperatures may explain the
observations for ice particles.
Forcing on Climate from Aircraft Emissions in the Stratosphere
Wuebbles, Donald J.(1); Dutta, Mayurakshi; Jain, Atul; Baughcum, Steven L.(2)
(1) University of Illinois, Department of
Atmospheric Sciences, Urbana, Illinois, USA; (2) Boeing Company,
Seattle, Washington, USA.
The 1999
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report on Aviation and the
Global atmosphere estimated that emissions from a fleet of one thousand
High Speed Civil Transport aircraft (flying at Mach 2.4) could produce a
non-negligible impact on the radiative forcing driving changes in climate.
The radiative forcing for this fleet was +0.1 Wm-2, with +0.10 Wm-2 coming
from the increase in stratospheric water vapor, along with smaller
contribution from increased CO2 (+0.01 Wm-2) and from effects on
stratospheric ozone (-0.01 Wm-2). In this study, we reexamine the
radiative forcing from fleets of aircraft flying at stratospheric
altitudes. We use our narrowband radiative transfer model in these
studies, along with model calculations of calculated changes in ozone and
water vapor from our zonally-averaged model of atmospheric chemical and
physical processes. The radiative transfer model used here has higher
resolution in the tropopause and lower stratosphere region than the models
used in the IPCC assessment. Preliminary results suggest that the
radiative forcing for the water vapor emissions from aircraft was
overestimated in the IPCC assessment. Along with reconsideration of the
radiative forcing for the HSCT scenarios used in IPCC, we also consider
the radiative forcing from more realistic fleets of possible
stratospheric-flying aircraft.
of NOx at cruise altitudes; Implications for predictions of
ozone and methane perturbations due to NOx emissions from
Berntsen, Terje(1); Gauss, Michael(2); Grewe, Volker(3);
Hauglustaine, Didier(4); Isaksen, Ivar(2); Mancini, Eva; Meijer, Ernst(5);
Pitari, Giovanni(6); Sausen, Robert(3)
(1) CICERO - Center for International Climate
and Environmental Research, Oslo, Norway; (2) ) Department of Geophysics,
University of Oslo, Norway; (3) Insitute for Atmospheric Physics, DLR
Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany; (4) Institut Pierre Simon Laplace,
Laboratoire des Scieces du Climat et de L'Environment, Gif-sur-Yvette,
France, (5) KNMI - Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch
Institut, De Bilt, Netherlands, (6) Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita
L'Aquila, Aquila, Italy.
emissions from aviation in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
cause radiative forcing of climate through perturbations in concentrations
of ozone and the lifetime of methane. Assessments using global
chemical tracer models (CTMs) have shown significant differences
between the estimated impacts (e.g. IPCC, 1999). Due to the non-linear
nature of the photochemistry of the atmosphere, the impact of additional
NOx from aircraft is very dependent on the background
concentrations of NOx. In this region of the atmosphere NOx can
originate from many sources, mainly from lightning, convective transport
of surface emissions, downward transport from the stratosphere (from N2O
oxidation), and from aircraft emissions. To improve our understanding
of the possible environmental impacts of NOx emissions from
aircraft, it is of key importance to be able to simulate the background NOx
chemistry (total concentrations and contributions from the different
Within the EU-project
TRADEOFF we have performed an analysis of the contributions to the
background NOx levels at cruise altitude from different sources
in 5 global CTMs. The results show that although the total concentrations
of NOx can be well represented, there are significant
differences in the contribution from the different sources.
Implications for predictions of current as well as future ozone and
methane lifetime perturbations from aircraft will be discussed.
Particles and Clouds / Mitigation
properties measured in situ in the free troposphere and tropopause region
at midlatitudes
Minikin, Andreas(1); Petzold, Andreas(1); Fiebig, Markus(1); Hendricks,
Johannes(1); Schr�der, Franz(1)
(1) Institut f�r Physik der Atmosph�re, DLR
Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany
In the past few years
the DLR Falcon 20, a German twin-jet research aircraft with a maximum
ceiling of 13 km, has participated in a number of experiments devoted to
the characterization of aerosol properties in the troposphere and the
tropopause region. Total aerosol number concentrations for Aitken mode
and ultrafine particles have been measured with condensation particle
counters with different lower cut-off diameters in the range from 3 to 15
nm. [..]
In this contribution we
report on mean tropospheric vertical profiles of aerosol properties and
the statistics of aerosol concentration and size distributions in the
upper troposphere for different campaigns mainly conducted in Europe but
differing in location (marine/continental) and expected contribution of
anthropogenic pollution.
and wetting of aircraft engine soot and its surrogates:
formation in UT
Popovicheva, Olga(1); Persiantseva, N.; Shonia, N.;Zubareva, N.;
Lokhovitskay, K; Suzanne, J.(2); Ferry, D; Demirdjian ,B.
(1) Department of Microelectronics, Institute
of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; (2)
CRMC2-CNRS,Campus de Luminy, Marseiile, France
potential importance of aircraft�generated soot particles to contrail
and cirrus formation in the upper troposphere (UT) are explored in field
and modeling studies. But ice nucleating ability of exhaust soot is still
poorly known because an unambiguous evidence that soot particles are
directly involved in ice formation is difficult to obtain from in situ
measurements. To improve this situation, a typical aircraft engine combustor burning
aviation kerosene under cruise conditions was used to generate engine soot
and characterize its properties, especially those responsible for cloud
condensation nucleus (CCN) formation. Aircraft combustor soot produced
by the sulfur-free fuel burning and laboratory-made kerosene flame soots
were studied as
surrogates for atmospheric black carbon (BC) aerosols.
This work examines the
soot wetting and hydration properties to determine the possible pathways
of CCN formation in the UT. The surface microstructure and chemical nature
have a tremendous influence on the soot wetting properties. [..]
soot demonstrates a surprisingly high hygroscopicity ,
with about of 20 adsorbed water monolayer at 240K. It will act as contrail
condensation nuclei at the small water supersaturations in the plume. [..]
Combustor and kerosene
soots Sc are found near 6.2% and 17.6% at T=220K, respectevely.
Data of Sc are examined to determine which wetting
characteristics of BC particles are required for the cirrus cloud
formation in the ice - saturated regions of the UT.
Water Content of Cirrus Clouds and its Dependency on different Types of
Mangold, Alexander(1); B�ttner, Simone (2); Ebert, Volker (3); Giesemann,
Carsten (3); Kr�mer, Martina(1); M�hler, Ottmar(2); Saathoff, Harald
(2); Schurath, Ulrich (2); Stetzer, Olaf (2); Teichert, Holger (3);
Wagner, Robert (3)
(1) Forschungszentrum J�lich, Institut f�r
Chemie und Dynamik der Geosph�re I (ICG-I): Stratosph�re, J�lich,
Germany; (2) Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut f�r Meteorologie und
Klimaforschu�ng, IMK-AAF, Karlsruhe, Germany; (3) Universit�t
Heidelberg, Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut; Heidelberg; Germany
aerosol impact on cloud microphysics is important because of its link to
the forcing of climate. There are a few investigations concerning clouds
consisting of liquid water, but the knowledge on ice clouds remains still
poor. Model descriptions of the ice particle formation in cirrus clouds
need a reliable parameterisation of the partitioning of the available
water into the gas, liquid (aerosol) and solid phase. Until now,
experimental data providing direct access to the gas phase and the ice
water content with high accuracy are not available.
We conducted laboratory measurements of the homogeneous and heterogeneous
ice nucleation and the partitioning of the water at UT cirrus cloud
conditions dependent on different temperatures and types of aerosol
particles in the large coolable and evacuable aerosol chamber AIDA of
IMK-AAF. [..]
We will show results for
the development of the ice water content after the onset of freezing until
the cloud formation process has finished. The ice nucleation experiments
presented here were conducted for freezing temperatures below 235 K.
Different types of aerosols were used as ice nuclei: pure mineral dust;
soot, coated with sulphuric acid and with ammonium sulphate, respectively;
and solution droplets of sulphuric acid and of ammonium sulphate,
simulation of cirrus formation from airplane contrails
Nielsen, Johannes K.(1)
(1) Danish Meteorological Insitute,
Copenhagen, Denmark
An Eulerian
microphysical 3D-cirrus cloud model (MPC) is developed. The model is based
on a detailed microphysical description of both liquid and solid phase
cloud particle size distributions. It includes nucleation, melting,
condensation, evaporation and sedimentation processes. In the present
contribution, MPC is used to simulate different scenarios with occurrences
of contrails.
nucleation effects on cirrus cloud coverage
Gierens, Klaus(1); Brinkop, Sabine(1)
(1) Institut f�r Physik der Atmosph�re,
DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany
aircraft engines release a lot of aerosol into the atmosphere even when no
contrails are formed. These aerosol particles may eventually become
involved in heterogeneous cirrus formation processes, at
ice-supersaturations lower than those needed for homogeneous nucleation.
is generally believed that this so-called indirect effect leads to higher
cirrus cloud coverage on the average, compared to a hypothetical case with
no aerosol emissions from aircraft (for example a fleet of LH2 driven
airplanes only). However, this view is too simple.
There are competing effects that must be considered in a complete
assessment of the indirect effect. First, cirrus formed heterogeneously is
probably optically thinner than homogeneously formed cirrus, because
crystal numbers are less, and maximum supersaturation during the
nucleation event is less. Second, after a heterogeneous cloud has formed
the supersaturation is used up for a while, and a homogeneous cloud will
not form whereas it would have been formed without the indirect effect.
Third, lifetimes of heterogeneously formed clouds may differ
systematically from those formed homogeneously. Results obtained with the
ECHAM model (involving new parametrisations for cirrus coverage from
heterogeneous and homogeneous processes) will be shown as examples for
these possible effects. Unfortunately, there is considerable
uncertainty in many of the parameters involved. Thus an assessment of the
climatic role of the indirect effect does not seem to be in reach
Coverage over the USA Derived From MODIS and AVHRR Data
Palikonda, Rabindra(1); Phan, Dung; Minnis, Patrick(1)
(1) NASA Langley Research Center Hampton,
Virginia, USA
often lead to the development of additional cirrus clouds that can affect
climate via the radiation budget. Evaluation of contrail coverage and
optical properties is crucial for assessing the impact of current and
future climatic effects of air traffic. Current estimates of contrail
coverage over the United States of America (USA) have been based on a
single NOAA-16 afternoon overpass time for recent studies and at four
times of day for 1993-94 data from two satellites with different
sensitivities and detection errors. Approximately 14,000 flights cross
portions of the USA each day at different times of day. The commercial
flight activity begins in earnest around 0600 LT and continues with high
intensity before fading shortly before local midnight. Because spreading
contrail lifetimes are generally less than 4-6 hours, then the atmosphere
should be cleansed of most contrail coverage by the beginning of the next
day. Assuming that the state of the upper troposphere is, on average, the
same during the day, this daily cycle should be reflected in the contrail
properties and coverage. However, preliminary studies using NOAA-15
morning overpasses suggest that the afternoon analyses may
underestimate the contrail coverage because the spreading and saturation
of contrails formed during the morning in areas of heavy air traffic might
mask or diminish the contrails formed during the afternoon. To obtain
a better assessment of the diurnal variation in contrail coverage, this
study analyzes data taken over the USA from a series of satellites
beginning with the NOAA-12 in the early morning period followed by
NOAA-15, NOAA-17, Terra, Aqua, and NOAA-16 during the afternoon. Contrail
coverage and optical properties are derived from multispectral data from
the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the NOAA
satellites and from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
(MODIS) on the Terra and Aqua satellites. Different sensitivities in the
instruments are first compared to ensure that any derived diurnal
variations are not due to sensor artifacts. Preliminary results from all
of the satellites are presented showing the daily variation in contrails.
Results of a more extensive analysis using only the NOAA-15 and NOAA-16
data are also shown.
Coverage over the North Pacific From MODIS and AVHRR Data
Minnis, Patrick(1); Palikonda, Rabindra(1); Ayers, J. Kirk
(1) NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton,
Virginia, USA
cloud cover has been increasing over the North Pacific since the 1970�s.
Although part of the increase may be due to a rise in relative humidity,
some of the change is likely caused by contrails forming and spreading as
a result of transoceanic air traffic. Analysis of high-resolution
satellite data is required to determine the contribution by linear
contrails to that increase. The Advanced Very High Resolution
Radiometer (AVHRR) has been taking 1-km multispectral data from the NOAA
satellites since the 1980�s, but most of the archived and real-time data
over the broad ocean areas are for the 4-km Global Area Coverage dataset.
The NASA Earth Observing System satellites, Terra and Aqua, have been
operating since March 2000 and August 2002, respectively. Each carries the
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) that takes and
archives multispectral data globally at resolutions from 0.25 to 1 km. To
quantify the contrail properties over the North Pacific, an automated
algorithm is applied to 1-km MODIS data from Terra and Aqua and to
selected sets of AVHRR data to derive contrail areal coverage, optical
depth, ice particle size, and radiative forcing. The derived properties
are compared to similar quantities derived from data over the continental
United States of America to examine the differences between contrails
formed over marine and continental areas. Preliminary statistics and
comparisons are presented.
of Cirrus properties from Satellite retrievals using TOVS and AVHRR
Stubenrauch, Claudia(1); Meerkoetter, Ralf(2)
(1) Laboratoire de M�t�orologie Dynamique,
Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France; (2) Institut f�r Physik der
Atmosph�re, DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany.
Since 1979, the TOVS
instruments aboard the NOAA Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites have
measured radiation emitted and scattered from different levels of the
atmosphere, and therefore are an important tool for a continuous survey of
the state of the atmosphere over the whole globe. The TOVS Path-B dataset
provides atmospheric temperature profiles and water vapor profiles as well
as cloud and surface properties at a spatial resolution of 1� latitude x
1� longitude. At present, 8 years of TOVS Path-B data (1987 - 1995) are
available at LMD. Due to their relatively high spectral resolution, IR
vertical sounders are especially useful for the identification of cirrus
clouds (day and night). Cloud-top pressure and effective IR cloud
emissivity are computed from the CO2 absorption band radiances by a
weighted c2 method. Mean effective ice crystal sizes (De) and ice water
path (IWP) of large-scale semi-transparent cirrus clouds are
retrieved by taking advantage of the fact that spectral cirrus emissivity
differences between 11 and 8 mm depend on this parameter. This method is
sensitive to sizes up to 80 mm. This cirrus dataset, covering the NOAA-10
observation period (1987-1991), has been produced within the framework of
the European project CIRAMOSA .
In addition the data of
the AVHRR instrument (with a spatial resolutuion of 1 km) aboard the NOAA
satellites have been used to analyse the temporal evolution of ice and
water cloud parameters in a twelve years period from 1990 to 2001 over
Europe. The underlying method is the AVHRR Processing scheme Over Land,
cLouds and Ocean (APOLLO).
Cloud parameters in
selected regions and time periods derived from data of both these
instruments, i.e. the TOVS and the AVHRR instrument, will be presented and
discussed. Special interest is directed towards studying the impact of
increasing air traffic on cirrus properties and climate.
of cirrus cloud properties in the northern and southern hemisphere on the
basis of lidar measurements.
Immler, Franz(1); Schrems, Otto
(1) Alfred-Wegener-Institut f�r Polar- und
Meeresforschung, Potsdam, Germany
cloud measurements have been performed during the INCA field campaigns
in Punta Arenas/Chile (53.12�S, 70.88�W) and in Prestwick /Scotland
(55.51�N, 4.60�W) in each hemisphere�s fall in the year 2000.
Additional measurements are currently performed at the Meteorological
Observatory Lindenberg (MOL). From lidar backscatter profiles at 532 nm
and 355 nm the optical depth (OD) of the clouds is retrieved as well as
base and top altitude of the clouds and the phase of the particles.
difference observed between the northern and southern hemisphere is the
occurrence of very faint layers of particles in an altitude range of 5 to
8 km which were seen only in the North. However, for the cirrus
itself no difference has been detected as far as the frequency of
occurence (dt) of thin or subvisible clouds is concerned. In both
campaigns about 35 % of all cirrus were subvisible (OD<0.03) and
about the same fraction of thin cirrus was detected (0.03<OD<0.3).
Differences in the
results from the southern and the northern hemisphere are found in the
wavelength dependence of the backscatter coefficient and the
depolarization behaviour. These results suggest, that there are clouds
consisting of rather large particles in the South (Punta Arenas), which
have not been detected in the North (Prestwick). A detailed analysis of
these data requires a non-spherical scattering theory which is difficult
to conduct and currently under investigation.
In summary we can state
that our data suggest that the higher concentration of aerosol (including
anthropogenic aerosol) in the northern hemisphere does not have an impact
on the abundance of cirrus, including those in the subvisible range under
the prevailing meteorological conditions of the campaigns. However,
aerosols seem to have an important influence on the microphysical
properties of high tropospheric clouds.
Fast Stratospheric Aerosol Microphysical Model (SAMM)
Tripathi, Sachchida(1); Vancassel, Xavier(1); Grainger, Roy(1);
Rogers, Helen(2)
(1) Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary
Physics, Department of Physics, Oxford University, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1
3PU, UK, (2) Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,
fast stratospheric aerosol microphysical model (SAMM) has been developed
to study the impact of aircraft imissions on the atmosphere.
SAMM simulates homogeneous heteromolecular nucleation, condensational
growth, coagulation and sedimentation of binary sulphuric acid-water
particles to predict the composition and size-distribution of
stratospheric aerosols. SAMM has been successfully applied to estimate the
changes in background stratospheric aerosol surface area due to aircraft
sulphur emission. [..]
SAMM�s simulations of background stratospheric aerosols and volcanically
disturbed aerosol compare favourably with results from earlier model
studies and observed data.
Responses of Aviation NOx and CO2 Emissions
Lee, David S.(1); Sausen, Robert(2)
(1) Department of Environmental and
Geographical Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK;
(2) Institute for Atmospheric Physics, DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany.
A simple linear climate
response model for CO2 and O3 (Sausen and Schumann,
2000) was used to explore the impacts of potential improvements in NOx
technology in a new simplified emission scenario. The new emission
scenario, based upon industry projections, shows that that the impact of
aircraft on climate may grow at a slightly lesser rate than was indicated
by the IPCC aviation report. The climate impacts of CO2 and
NOx emissions were compared and it was found that the
comparative impacts of CO2 and O3 strongly depended
upon the equilibrium temperature response of climate to ozone forcing and
it was concluded that this was the greatest source of uncertainty in the
model results. Climate response models are usually �tuned� to the
response of a parent GCM. In this study, we also examined the response of
the simple model by tuning it to more generalized responses of GCMs, taken
from the IPCC Third Assessment Report. It was shown that whilst the model
response differed quantitatively, qualitatively, it did not. This
indicates that the ozone response to NOx aircraft emissions has
a larger effect on climate than CO2, than would be indicated by
simple radiative forcings.