Contrails - Research, comments and linksContrails and Aviation-induced Cirrus CloudsStratospheric Ozone Depletion (01)Stratospheric ozone depletion exacerbated by the almost continuous injection of aircraft emissions into the atmosphere at near-tropopause levelDear Mr. VanWaning, D. Those Obnoxious NOx EmissionsOzone production and the recent thinning of the ozone layer are other environmental concerns that have been reported on throughout the world. What are they and why are they important? High concentrations of ozone near the surface of the Earth has been linked to respiratory diseases. But there is beneficial ozone. Ozone in the upper atmosphere (about 15 miles up) shields the surface of the Earth from the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. Increasing occurrences of skin cancer are being attributed to the thinning of this protective ozone layer. Ozone in the upper atmosphere�the ozone layer�is both increased and destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. As long as the amount of ozone created equals what is being destroyed, the ozone level remains the same. Although other factors�the seasons, Sun cycles, winds, and volcanic eruptions�affect ozone levels, there is insurmountable evidence that human activities are disrupting the balance. Oxides of nitrogen (chemically abbreviated as NOx and pronounced "nocks") increase the production of ozone at typical cruise altitudes of subsonic air travel. These emissions are formed as a result of burning fossil fuels at very high temperatures. Therefore, aircraft emissions containing NOx increase the production of ozone. Aircraft emit significant amounts of NOx when their engines are at their hottest during takeoff and slightly smaller amounts while cruising. Source: Vliegtuigen die sneller vliegen dan het
geluid, zoals de Concorde, veroorzaken door de uitstoot van zwaveldeeltjes
waarschijnlijk meer schade aan de ozonlaag dan tot nu toe werd aangenomen.
Misschien geldt dit voor alle vliegtuigen die vanaf vijftien kilometer hoogte in
de stratosfeer vliegen. De Amerikaanse onderzoeker D.Fahey heeft
vastgesteld dat zwaveldeeltjes in de brandstof na uitstoot uiteindelijk worden
omgezet in zwavelzuur. Dit vormt een dichte mist van kleine deeltjes, die (net
als stikstof) de ozonlaag aantasten. Wellicht hebben vliegtuigen die op grote
hoogte het Noordpoolgebied passeren bijgedragen aan de snelle vermindering van
de ozonlaag aldaar. Contrails are Bad News |