Contrails - Research, comments and links

Contrails and Aviation-induced Cirrus Clouds

Too many people fly..

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Too many people fly
too many times,
for too little money
and for too silly reasons
to too distant destinations

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Flying from Amsterdam to Geneve is cheaper by plane than by bus.
That is: cheaper in terms of money.
The costs to the world, our living environment, are still unknown. 
What counts, and who is accounting for it?

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source of material wealth, 
will choke us in the end. 
The longest journey 
ends at the place of departure.
Mobiliteit, bron van materi�le welvaart, 
kan ons uiteindelijk verstikken. 
De verste reis eindigt waar hij begint

Nul n'est besoin d'esperer
pour entreprendre,
Ni de reussir pour perseverer.

(This could haven a quote from 
Don Quichote, but is was the motto
of William of Orange)


Contrails are Bad News

Author and photographer:

Robert C. van Waning
Mr. Troelstralaan 27
1181 VD Amstelveen
The Netherlands
